
Monday, May 31, 2004

This is just a quick update on ORA-0600 errors, since I see that a number of people have come here after finding this error message referenced on my site, and hence in Google and such like. I hate to be boring but 0600 means consult Oracle. It is an unhandled error, or maybe indeed a bug, before you log a tar though checkout the 0600/7445 lookup on metalink at Note 153788.1. This is one of the reasons you pay for support.


Tuesday, May 25, 2004

Those of you who have a much more active developer hat than I do would probably do well to take a look at Mark Rittman's Oracle Weblog. We don't do very much from the BI/ Data Warehouse perspective at my employer so I don't feel especially qualified to comment on the content, but this is an excellently put together web site .

One thing I did find mentioned was the use of BULK bind and collections in PL/SQL. It just so happens that I was inspired by an example in Connor McDonald et als new book, to look at the resource requirements and performance implications of this technique. The script I have used can be found here. The main lesson to learn is that processing multiple rows can indeed gain you significant performance improvements - the main resource used appears to be memory. There is a law of diminishing returns however and it therefore probably makes sense for most people to use the LIMIT clause and limit to a few hundred rows at most. You don't want many session all using huge amounts of ram for an extra couple of % performance improvement.

My testing also appears to indicate that the performance improvements in 10g are significant in this area - but again you pay the price in memory even as compared to 9. Both the tests below are done on the same laptop with similaraly configured databases. The figures shown are extracts from v$mystats (check out the script for the exact meaning). NB the figure for memory in version 10 is probably inaccurate for the first few results (until it starts increasing). first

NIALL 25-MAY-2004 14:00@nl9204>exec bulk_test
- Time: 867
- Max Mem: 369004
- CPU: 0
- Time: 295
- Max Mem: 451504
- CPU: 0
- Time: 134
- Max Mem: 451504
- CPU: 0
- Time: 94
- Max Mem: 451504
- CPU: 0
- Time: 86
- Max Mem: 501192
- CPU: 0
- Time: 85
- Max Mem: 632800
- CPU: 0
- Time: 86
- Max Mem: 879448
- CPU: 0
- Time: 97
- Max Mem: 1964240
- CPU: 0
- Time: 99
- Max Mem: 6515112
- CPU: 0
- Time: 98
- Max Mem: 24750552
- CPU: 0
- Time: 109
- Max Mem: 46750112
- CPU: 0

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.


NIALL 25-MAY-2004 14:12@nl1010>exec bulk_test
- Time: 834
- Max Mem: 1743436
- CPU: 0
- Time: 238
- Max Mem: 1743436
- CPU: 0
- Time: 91
- Max Mem: 1743436
- CPU: 0
- Time: 54
- Max Mem: 1743436
- CPU: 0
- Time: 45
- Max Mem: 1743436
- CPU: 0
- Time: 41
- Max Mem: 1808972
- CPU: 0
- Time: 43
- Max Mem: 2136652
- CPU: 0
- Time: 50
- Max Mem: 3381836
- CPU: 0
- Time: 55
- Max Mem: 8493644
- CPU: 0
- Time: 58
- Max Mem: 28940876
- CPU: 0
- Time: 59
- Max Mem: 53647948
- CPU: 0

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.


Monday, May 24, 2004

A couple of things this morning.

First I should know better than to make blanket statements as I did yesterday.

Never update a row at a time in a loop should read something like Never update a row at a time in a loop if you can accomplish the same result by operating on the set of records. For example

for c in (select col1,col2,col3 from tab1) loop
update tab2 set col1 = c.col1||c.col2||mod(col3,1000)
where col2 = c.col1;
end loop;

Would be better written using set operations.


I have in the past listed 'the optimizer can ignore hints' as a myth. This is because the optimizer doesn't ignore hints it follows them when considering the range of available access paths (this assumes that the hint is valid and correctly specified). This can be seen quite easily from a 10053 trace. The problem usually is either that the hint is invalid, or that insufficient hints have been specified. Never the less it turns out that with 10g the optimizer can ignore hints. This is because a new hidden parameter _optimizer_ignore_hints can be set to true - the default is false. In addition the 10053 trace has been enhanced so that adjusted parameter file parameters show up at the top and (what looks like) the whole range of default parameters show up in the trace.


Saturday, May 22, 2004

Should any developers read this - a little note on how best to use SQL.

1. Please use the appropriate command. It is not necessary to drop and recreate a table to add a column.

2. If you were going to drop and recreate a table consider that Oracle will think that the new table is very small until you collect stats, so please do collect stats or at least allow the poor sap in charge of the program to catch the ddl and add a stats collection task in.

3. don't update a row at a time in a loop.

that is all


Friday, May 14, 2004

A one line comment in this somewhat entertaining 'discussion' on usenet, led me into doing some investigation into how Oracle physically stores descending indexes - those created like
create index idx_desc on tab(col1 desc). It turned out to be an interesting journey. In summary

  • Descending indexes store bit inverted data padded with an extra byte in ascending order.
  • Descending indexes also store null values but the optimizer doesn't know about this.
  • Descending indexes won't take advantage of 90/10 splits in the same way as ordinary indexes - unless of course your pattern of inserts is also reversed.

    For all of these reasons descending indexes will end up larger, perhaps significantly, than their ascending cousins.


    Tuesday, May 11, 2004

    Those of you who who don't follow usenet may have missed an excellent new paper by Richard Foote on Indexing Internals. You can find it here. As well as thoroughly dealing with various myths that have arisen around the issue of rebuilding indexes - it usefully indicates how to use the block and treedump functionality that lets you peek at the internal structures of Oracle objects - in this case indexes.


    Wednesday, May 05, 2004

    9i introduced what is presumably intended to eventually replace the parameter file (or init.ora) for an instance. The server parameter file or SPFILE has a number of advantages over the old fashioned text file. From the docs

    A server parameter file (SPFILE) can be thought of as a repository for initialization parameters that is maintained on the machine where the Oracle database server executes. It is, by design, a server-side initialization parameter file. Initialization parameters stored in a server parameter file are persistent, in that any changes made to the parameters while an instance is running can persist across instance shutdown and startup. This eliminates the need to manually update initialization parameters to make changes effected by ALTER SYSTEM statements persistent. It also provides a basis for self tuning by the Oracle database server.

    Sounds good doesn't it.

    There are a number of drawbacks that I have found though.

  • you can store mutually incompatible settings in it that prevent database startup.

  • SQL> alter system set db_cache_size=50m scope=spfile;

    System altered.

    SQL> alter system set db_block_buffers=2000 scope=spfile;

    System altered.

    SQL> startup force;
    ORA-00381: cannot use both new and old parameters for buffer cache size

    As a result you will want to backup your spfile regularly - this is obviously common sense, but if you forgot to do this with the text based file you could at least edit the file.

  • How to backup

  • The preferred option is to use RMAN which will handle this for you quite nicely, if you aren't using rman then you can export your server parameter file using the new sql command create pfile from spfile . However, I ran into this today

    SQL> create pfile from spfile;
    create pfile from spfile
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [733], [538970160], [pga heap], [], [], [], [], []

    The 733 argument shows that is essentially an out of memory condition, the second argument is the amount of memory in bytes requested!

    In short unless you actually have to use a server parameter file - think RAC, you may consider the potential drawbacks to outweigh the advantages.