A little while back I posted a brief demo of the fact that whilst segment monitoring in 9i and 10g gives precise statistics, the statistics may not be accurate. I have been asked to recap this, so here is the question and the demo.
> Niall, monitoring will show table as used, but statistics is updated
> at the time of commit. First, there is no statistics in USER_TABLES that
> would count the number of times that blocks have been referenced by I/O
> and second, statistics for monitored tables is not updated until the
> transaction commits. To do otherwise would seriously break the relational
> rules.
Clearly I wasn't advocating using table monitoring but I would refer
you to the following piece of rule breaking
SQL> connect / as sysdba
SQL> drop user u1;
User dropped.
SQL> create user u1 identified by u1
2 default tablespace users
3 temporary tablespace temp
4 quota unlimited on users;
User created.
SQL> grant create session,create table to u1;
Grant succeeded.
SQL> connect u1/u1
SQL> select to_char(sysdate,'hh24:mi:ss') from dual;
SQL> create table t1 (col1 number);
Table created.
SQL> insert into t1
2 select rn
3 from (select rownum rn,'x' from all_objects,all_objects where rownum < 1001
1000 rows created.
SQL> rollback;
Rollback complete.
SQL> host time 23:55
SQL> select to_char(sysdate,'hh24:mi:ss') from dual;
SQL> select table_name,inserts,updates,deletes from useR_tab_modifications;
------------------------------ ---------- ---------- ----------
T1 1000 0 0
precise but wrong and certainly a violation of relational rules. This
is why Oracle refer to it as an estimate.