
Friday, June 10, 2005

sans san 

You restart the database server. The disks are no longer visible to the OS. Of such is deep joy made.

Of course this is what is meant by 'the network is the computer'. probably.
Been there, buddy. SA's want to patch the OS and "It's only a quick reboot". Eight hours later they call me to tell me "We got the filesystems back, but...". Restore, recover.
That's not too bad. A worse case is that you do have the SAN back but the disk allocations are all screwed up. That is, your original disk1 is now disk7, etc. Took us a long time to figure that one out. The recovery time was a killer since the database affected was the data warehouse.
This is scarier (it is a variant of one of those SANS referred to in the Oracle paper about cheap SANS): http://groups-beta.google.com/group/comp.databases.oracle.server/msg/1cedb062e0071ac0?dmode=source&hl=en
//Been there, buddy. SA's want to patch the OS and "It's only a quick reboot". Eight hours later they call me to tell me "We got the filesystems back, but...". Restore, recover.//

For the same reason I do all the work myself or let my Jr.DBA do it.

No matter what a SA's sweating and wheezing on your DB ain't a good thing.
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