
Tuesday, July 05, 2005

10g Release 2 

As so often is the case with Danes, Niels Bohr was right

Prediction is difficult, especially if it is about the future.

The future you shall know when it has come; before then forget it.
You have been redeemed
already downloaded!
From the San Diego Union Tribune, Jan 21, 2001, Four seers predicted year's events:

While the 2000 presidential contest was a virtual two-way tie, with ballots lost to an electoral Everglades, WHATTA YEAR! 2000 ended in an actual four-way tie.

First, though, let me explain to newcomers that WHATTA YEAR! asks readers to predict the news of the next 12 months.


Four readers nailed 12 of the 17 questions. The winners are Joel Garry of San Diego; Ken Harrison, Cardiff; Ken Hultenius, Chula Vista; and Barbara Lowe, San Diego.

So, I'm an official Seer. It's not that hard, just watch what happens and expect things to pretty much be the same.

All-knowing, all-omniscient in future upgrades.
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