
Tuesday, July 19, 2005

I'm new here, could you help 

Duncan Mills posted just the other day about respect amongst experienced members of a technological community. What about respect for people that are just starting to engage with a community - in my case the dba/developer community? Well, I just noticed on Tom Kyte's blog that Lisa Dobson has made public a request for useful information for a presentation that she is doing for the UKOUG Annual Conference in November this year. She's going to look at being a newbie to Oracle, things to do, things not to do, where to go and not get shouted at that sort of thing.

I can't believe that I'm the only one who gets fed up with the hostile reception newbies often get in certain forums and newsgroups. Lisa's initiative is an excellent one and so please do drop her a line if you can help out. you can be sure when the presentation is published I'll be referencing it here.

DBA in training here.
Duncan should look at the track record of the J2EE mob for the reasons behind so much aggro at the technology. It might be enlightening to look into their own side for a change?

Lisa: post the blog so we can all look-see and contribute if/where appropriate or desirable. I'm totally fed-up with the hostile attitude to newbies all around the place. Too much posturing going on. We MUST encourage and nurture the next generation. Because mr Oracle isn't even remotely interested unless they have deep pockets.
I'll drop her a note, too. Being a novice myself.

Jeff Hunter's blog on where to find help:

My blog on how to ask for help:

(Includes links to forums).

More on how to ask for help:

My link to Oracle docs (in response to Tom's post in question):
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