
Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Like watching a car crash 

This asktom thread

In which Burleson consulting employees (and a part owner) break their own guidelines in order to offer largely baseless attacks on fellow professionals.


The whole thing baffles me. The BC groups behavior and responses are like a bunch of grade school kids arguing.

are not!
Just can't take your eyes off it, :D

Well, one of the good things that came out of it was that we now know more folks to avoid at conferences :D

Sad that the person who caused all this ruckus do not have the guts to step up to the plate.
define the term "criminal".

I ask this in the context of the recent US DOJ vs. Micrsoft antitrust trial when William Gates fought definition of more or less standard terms.

To me in a US-centric mindset of the English language, labeling someone a "criminal" relates to one that has been CONVICTED of a crime in a court of law.
Not charged of a crime.
Not under investigation for possibly "criminal activity".
not convicted in the media.

Is it "criminal" to post something that turns out to be factually wrong?

Is it "criminal" to post a possibly libelous statement on a blog?

IMHO, not unless DMCA comes into play.

Its a civil issue - not "criminal" (I am not a lawyer). Such lawsuits are decided in civil court, not criminal court.

THAT (DMCA) was a piece of legislation that criminalized what used to be civil turf.

Here is a decent place to start:

Sorry anonymous I don't really understand where you are coming from. I'm sure that no-one here has labelled anyone criminal.
I believe (stress the word "believe") that the criminal reference has to do with that "guidelines" article you pointed to, where it states:
[quote]Recent problems with identity theft and biased moderators have led to a situation where anonymous criminals might publish serious accusations:[/quote]
At least, that's how I see it. O/P can correct me if I am wrong.

ah I see Bill, certainly anonymous posters posting serious and indefensible accusations has been a problem on other forums.

Anonymous. If that was what you were referring to it was rather the burleson consulting employees posting to a forum their own published guidelines say they shouldn't that I had in mind. The anonymous criminals thing is just a red herring so far as I can see.

NB this is a straight repost of my earlier comment - only without spurious pasting in caused by fat fingers.
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