
Monday, September 26, 2005

Oracle Executive Blogs 

I just noticed that OTN has a new (to me) section for blogs from Oracle Executives.

At the moment there are precisely 3, all apps, Senior VP blogs there. (What a terrible job title by the way - I'll bet my bottom dollar there isn't anyone with a post of Junior VP out there).

  • John Wookey who is VP for Applications Development.

  • Jesper Andersen who is VP for Applications Strategy.

  • Cliff Godwin who is VP for Applications Technology.

  • It will be interesting to see how these blogs pan out - I hope that they represent a long term committment from Oracle to more informal as well as formal communication from Oracle executives. I'd love to see a Larry Ellison blog as well (even if was just about fast sail boats).

    I heard about this on one of the OpenWorld podcasts. It is a shame that there is no RSS though.
    Try leaving a comment. Put in a bad password. Now try backing out of it.

    And why are they running it under 9i?
    Hmmmm, another avenue for "marketspeak". I particularly like the statement that "fusion is here now and customers can use its middleware". Yeah right: the thing was just announced, that makes it reality,doesn't it? (groan...)
    Good catch, that 9i stuff! LOL!

    I'm not sure I'd like to see a Larry-blog, though. For a number of reasons I won't go into here.
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