
Thursday, September 29, 2005

Thing 1 and Thing 2 

Apparently around Don's way there is a classic database problem. No-one has surnames and they all have the same first name. One could of course use an artificial key, but Don has hit on a better solution. Sequence numbers for surnames. You never know it could be the way forward, in fact it might make the UK National ID Card a simpler implementation.

Niall 666

He He I reckon Don has just let everone know where he gets most of his "ideas" from, childerens books.

I also liked the no2id site and I am glad to know that the id card scheme has as much popularity there as it does/did here in Aus. They floated it here once in the 80's and again just recently. Ironically the then (80's) opposition, who opposed the idea ferociously, is the now government that reckons it was a great idea. So instead where are moving into a police state with legislation such as this. When are governments going to learn, that by reducing the rights of everyday citizens, we are in effect letting the terrorists win.

Thats my bit anyway,
Andrew "Mark of the Beast" East
If he progresses to the "Return of the Cat in the Hat", there's actually recursive 'Cats in the Hat' going from A to Z (under each hat is a smaller 'cat in a hat'). Of course you run out of name space after 26, which may be a problem.

If 'Fred3' leaves, do they renumber Fred4 etc ?

Seriously though, even with surnames you can quickly get duplicates. Try to sign up to a hotmail or yahoo mail with your own name. Unless you have an unusual name, someone has already nabbed it. [MAIL.COM is better, as it has a range of domain names to choose from.]
"Unless you have an unusual name, someone has already nabbed it".

Hmmm... One wonders how the heck those guys called "Anonymous" get away with it...
At school I was in a Geography class with two other guys called Tim. In that class we were know as Tim (me), TimTim (Tim Laddiman) and TimTimTim (Tim Reagan). It was funny to hear someone shout across the room, "TimTimTim, can you pass me the ...". Stupid thing is it worked fine, but then we were 12 years old :)


know=known :)
"Unless you have an unusual name, someone has already nabbed it".

I never know if there really is another Joel Garry, of if I signed up with an email from an old job and can't get back to it. Actually, I know that is true at least for yahoo, and have tried unsuccessfully several times to get my name back. sighhhhh...

Around here (California) there is a huge controversy as to whether to give drivers licenses to undocumented immigrants. We're talking millions of people here. Lot's of them with duplicate Social Security numbers, funnily enough, not to mention strange (by US standards) naming conventions.

Meanwhile, the raisin industry is going to have huge losses this year because they can't find enough workers at the critical time. Crop failure insurance doesn't cover that...

I'm sure Don's family tree is typical for the area - a telephone pole.
666 - that's a scary number.

Not as scary as 668, which is the neighbour of the beast... ;)
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