Monday, October 03, 2005
Job Descriptions
Anyway now you know what she does. Back to the wedding.
We go back to my sister-in-law's; Laura is at one end of the sofa, I am at the other. In between sits the Vicar who conducted the blessing. He asks laura what she does. She explains. He asks me what I do. I say "I manage business critical databases for a large public sector regulator". Without a blink he turns his back and continues "So Laura, intellectual property - that must be interesting - tell me all about it". He never spoke to me again.
Note Added Oct 3.
The phantom nitpicker is correct. American's should read Americans. That is so annoying.
But if you say that you are an IT researcher, everybody is fascinated.
who understands...
"I manage the data that gets generated during stock trades.", I say.
"Oh, do you have any good stock tips for me?"
I reply, "I don't pick the stocks, I just manage the data."
"Oh. You must bee a good typist."
"Um...yeah. Was that bar over there?"