Tuesday, November 29, 2005
Trust a former accountant
A question that hasn't been asked, but probably should have been, about yesterday's posts is Why would you want to do this in custom code?. HTMLDB already has an LDAP authentication mechanism built in. In my case the simple answer is that I just want to make my application available to all members of my domain, without caring what their DN might be, an equivalent to using windows authentication in IIS.
Finally, a couple of people have pointed out that Don has confused me with David Litchfield on his new pages. I've dropped him a line so hopefully that will change shortly. In the meantime its extremely unlikely that I would ever call for anyone's resignation from anywhere - with the possible exception of Rafa Benitez if there are any more choices along the lines of Crouch over Owen, and even then you can forgive someone who brings back the European Cup a multitude of sins.
It should be written Benítez, with 'í', -if you want to look more 'cosmopolitan', of course-. ;-)
Cheers from Spain.
Main Entry: cosmopolitan
Part of Speech: adjective
Definition: worldly-wise
Synonyms: (...), cultivated, cultured, ecumenical, global, (...), planetary, (...), sophisticated, universal, urbane, well-traveled, worldly, worldwide