Monday, November 28, 2005
Using Active Directory in Oracle Express
interface for user administration.

domain controller hostname and your domain (in the post windows2000

choose shared components>authentication schemes and create a new
authentication scheme from scratch.

authentication function as shown below.

Slightly o/t but it appears that Don Burleson has confused you with Dave Litchfield:
You may want to drop Don a line so he can correct it.
We have an external and an internal user container.
Wildcards in the dn don't seem to work.
Doe\, John
Instead of
If I implement your solution, it's only asking for a username.
I have just used the function and method described here with APEX 3.2.1 and it works for all users in my AD domain at least. I mean, it works independently from ou.
Does this technique work with the EPG in 11g (APEX 3.2.1)? I've been trying for a week now, and can't seem to get it to work in that environment.
Thanks - Jack
return authenticate_aduser but no value passed to,
Daniel J.
There is the APEX explanation on using home made function for authentication process:
Enter a function name like this: return fn , where fn is the name of the function, qualified by schema name, package name, if required. The Application Express engine expects this function to have the signature (p_username in varchar2, p_password in varchar2) return boolean. The value of the username and password fields passed to the login API, which is called by the login page, will be passed to your function. In the login API call, which you can find on the login page's after-submit process, you can optionally specify a p_preserve_case boolean argument. Set this to true if you don't want the username converted to upper case during credentials verification and session registration.